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Our moorings are located in the North West of Portland Harbour near those of Castle Cove Sailing Club and Royal Dorset Yacht Club. See download below for more details, including defined area of moorings.

Moorings are competitively priced and are available to WPCA members.

The moorings are 'self-maintained'. Mooring holders are responsible for the purchase, inspection, insurance, and maintenance of their mooring equipment. The WPCA acts as an agent in the management of the area - we collect the relevant mooring dues and expenses and pay the relevant authorities on behalf of our mooring holders.

Moorings are only available for use during the summer season (April 1st - Sep 30th) each year, and there's a limit of 10m or 10 tonne for every craft (unless approved otherwise by the committee).

More information from Michael Gregory

For more details of our mooring and costs, download the pdf file below.

For our mooring agreement and application, download the pdf file below.

For more information on Portland Harbour visit the website:



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