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Echo 22 March

This week the WPCA held their Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Trophies at Castle Cove Sailing Club, followed by a free buffet. Outgoing President Sara Lloyd presented trophies to Chris Reid, Nick and Tracie Critchell, Chris and Alison Bell, Brian Lincoln, Chris Forrest and Alison Stephen and Duncan Cameron. Duncan was awarded the Bent Prop trophy for the best confessional after he admitted to mistakenly securing his tender in the Channel Islands without giving thought to the rising tide.

This year there was a change of Presidency as, after 4 years at the helm, Sara Lloyd handed the reins over to Tess Reid. Tess has been an enthusiastic and active member of the Club for some years and, with her husband Chris, has sailed far and wide in their boat Monterey. On taking over Tess said she was looking forward to the challenge of leading the Club.

The AGM was tinged with sadness following the death of Club member, Patrick Crawley last week. Patrick loved sailing his boat Minnehaha and has joined in several Club cruises and he will be sorely missed. Before the meeting members were asked to observe a minute’s silence to remember Patrick.

Next week is the Club’s Annual Boat Jumble and local sailors are invited to come along to search for that essential piece of equipment needed for their boat and to pick up a bargain. The bar will be open and the doors will open at 7.30 p.m.



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