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Cruise to Yarmouth 24-28 April

Five boats took part in the first cruise of the year away from Weymouth, Minnehaha, Iona, Thyia, Bo Skip and Stella. Monterey had left earlier in the week for a Hallberg Rassey rally but unfortunately had to return to Weymouth on Monday when everyone except Minnehaha left. Minnehaha sailed on Sunday and met up with Chris and Tess for a meal in the evening. Patrick and Jacqui were joined on their boat by Austin Hallmark, a new member. The other boats all left on Monday morning and after a promising start were soon motorsailing when the wind dropped away. Thyia had left earlier than the rest and was able to sail for longer. The other boats all waved to Monterey on her return trip.

While in Yarmouth the crews did different activies which included a walk along the River Yar to Freshwater for a pub lunch, bus trips to the Needles, Cowes, Newport and Ryde and a visit to Carisbrook Castle. On Tuesday evening everyone got together for a meal in The Bugle pub in Yarmouth and on Wednesday afternoon there was a musical interlude on Stella with concertinas, mandolin and spoons preceded by afternoon tea.

The return trip on Thursday was not very pleasant as the wind dropped as soon as boats left the Solent and it was a long motorsail with a following wind in a big swell but fortunately with a favourable tide. All the boats arrived in time to catch the 1600 bridge in Weymouth.



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